CIRT Sentiment Index: 2021 Fourth Quarter Report


Powerful Insights from the Construction Industry Round Table

For the fourth quarter survey, CIRT members were asked to respond to current issues questions focused on how purchasing behaviors may shift going forward, a ranking of various factors impacting cost escalations, and their clients’ willingness to accept and agree to these higher expenses.

As a result of recent supply chain issues, 82% of respondents said they experienced project delays in 2021, while 19% saw projects canceled this year because of these recent supply chain issues.Download the report to see current trends in:

  • Sentiment and Design Indexes
  • Purchasing behaviors
  • Cost escalations

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The Construction Industry Round Table (CIRT) is composed exclusively of approximately 115-120 CEOs from the leading architectural, engineering and construction firms doing business in the United States.

The Round Table strives to create one voice to meet the interests and needs of the design / construction community. CIRT supports its members by actively representing the industry on public policy issues, by improving the image and presence of its leading members, and by providing a forum for enhancing and developing strong management approaches through networking and peer interaction.

The Round Table’s member CEOs serve as prime sources of information, news and background on the design / construction industry and its activities.